Friday 6 September 2013

Sons Of Anarchy Halloween Costume

If you are looking for a Sons Of Anarchy Halloween Costume then this is the one/s you are looking for. You can customise your outfit to look the way you want and can have this as cheap as you want to. You can look like Jax easily with baggy jeans and a white T that you already have then just get a  SAMCRO baseball cap to complete the look, simple, cheap, quick!


Sons Of Anarchy Halloween Costume

If you are major fan like me though and want to go all the way with rings, an SOA Reaper jacket, fingerless crew gloves and Motorcycle sunglasses then go for it!

The great thing about the Sons Of Anarchy is that you can wear this at any age and still look cool, just like good looking Jax, not to be messed with Clay, my favorite Scotsman Chibs or the sensitive but loyal Juice. If you are bigger built then Bobby would be a good one to dress up as. If you are long bearded then a favourite character of many, Opie is an excellent choice. (seriously why oh why oh why did they kill off Opie?)

Dressing up like a member of the sons of anarchy must be one of the coolest Halloween costumes, and so versatile too. If you live somewhere hot then you can opt for a vest top but if you are in a cold area like me then jackets or hoodies are fantastic.
This is also a great couples idea, you can be the bold and fierce Clay and Gemma or the younger but just as badass Jax and Tara and you even get some cute SOA onsies if you have kids and dress the whole family up!
Cute SOA onsie
Sons Of Anarchy Boob Tube

To look like Juice you just need a shaven head and either a felt tip pen or black eyeliner and a friend that can do some drawing desingns on your head for you.

I cannot draw to save myself but Juices tattoos are fairly simple to do as long as you have a steady hand, you can also draw in a rectangular block down the middle of your head for the hair or shave your own hair to the same design
I have some pictures of Juice below to help you out.

For a scarier Halloween look you could dress up as Otto with his badly scarred eyes. You can wear either the SOA get up with a bandana and maybe even get a ponytailed wig if you don't have long enough hair and buy some cheap costume make up to get the eye looking all patched up or you can wear prison gear as this is what we seen Otto wearing for the duration of his appearances in SOA.

You can get all of the above mentioned items from for great prices and remember to they also have reviews so you can see if what you are buying will be worth the money. Amazon have really fast reliable delivery too but try not to make it too late as I know the feeling of huge disappointment when your costume doesn't arrive on time!

Another point to note about the prices, if you are not sure about spending the money on some of the more expensive items then remember these still sell for good money second hand on action sites like Ebay or list it for free on or similar sites, you may not get the full amount back but you will get most, if you're lucky you may even make a profit!

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